Psychic Lou Blog

Blogging the Tarot: Six of Cups
Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen

Blogging the Tarot: Six of Cups

The card that comes off the top of the deck this week is the Six of Cups. They call this one the Inner Child Card.

It depicts two children with cups overflowing with flowers, the bigger of the two kids handing a fresh bouquet to the smaller one. What a lovely depiction of sharing and generosity. What a world to imagine these kids having all their needs met and their wants provided for. What an existence to know only overwhelming beauty and abundance. And yet, very rarely do I have someone sit down with me in a reading where this card comes up as a literal representation of their childhood. That’s because this card is not about childhood – it’s about the child. And how, best I can tell…

the Inner Child version of each of us is the highest expression of our Authentic Selves.

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Blogging the Tarot: King of Cups
Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen

Blogging the Tarot: King of Cups

In the spirit of manifesting, let’s imagine what could happen if the best aspects of each energy were utilized to their fullest extent. Could this be our King of Cups, the masculine ruler of the feminine suit? Does he have what it takes to balance practicality and compassion, obligation and empathy, strategy and sympathy?

When I think of balancing the energetic bodies, I think of my yoga practice.Most of what I know about energy and the way it moves I learned in yoga. I started practicing after my daughter was born as a way to give my body and my mind a break – or, more accurately, a reunion.

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Blogging the Tarot: Wheel of Fortune (X)
Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen

Blogging the Tarot: Wheel of Fortune (X)

Our tarot Wheel of Fortune does in fact have more to do with life coming full circle than it does a lucky spin of a wheel. She reminds us that life tends to unfold in seasons, and we humans tend to respond to it with our scripts and patterns.

The Wheel of Fortune comes up to let you know a chance to make a different choice is afoot.

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Blogging the Tarot: The Hermit (IX)
Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen

Blogging the Tarot: The Hermit (IX)

When The Hermit comes up in readings, I’m always drawn to the lantern; the star makes me think of yellow ball of light in the solar plexus chakra . This is the seat of our Authentic Self, it’s the source of our intuitive knowing, it’s what makes us who we are. I like to think of that solar plexus flair as being the light source for The Hermit here. The Hermit has found himself in a dark cave, and the only light for his path is this solar plexus energy – the truest expression of his identity.

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Blogging the Tarot: Three of Swords
Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen Blogging the Tarot Lou Allen

Blogging the Tarot: Three of Swords

Hi, welcome – we’re going on a journey. 

A few years ago, I began a love affair with The Tarot. The more curious I got, the more I learned, the more our connection grew, me and The Tarot. I started feeling like we had an understanding, like The Tarot saw me for who I was, spoke to me in my language.

And so, I decided to write my love letters to The Tarot. To each individual card, in fact. And I’m going to share them with you here.

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